Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Eddie, Magali and Frida Kahlo

Eddie from Australia and Magali from Peru are showing their friends Maria Eduarda, Nina, Miguel and Fofo about today's adventures in São Paulo. They went to Tomie Ohtake Institute in order to visit Frida Kahlo exhibition.

It is not difficult to get to the institute, we just have to take the tube. The next station for us is Vila Matilde, red line. In República station we change to yellow line and leave at Faria Lima station. Tomie Ohtake Institute is a few blocks from the station. 
Learn more about tube stations  in São Paulo on  http://www.metro.sp.gov.br/en/your-trip/index.aspx. The stations are normally clean and easy to find, but most of them are really crowded at rush hour.

Magali and Eddie learned a lot about Frida Kahlo at the exhibition. You can also learn from Frida Kahlo foundation: http://www.frida-kahlo-foundation.org/biography.html

Frida Kahlo for Kids

We were very lucky to visiti also at the institute, the exhibition Lentes da Memória. Photography work from Alberto de Sampaio, a Brazilian photographer. http://www.albertodesampaio.com.br/category/fotografia/page/2/ and his exhibition at the institute http://www.institutotomieohtake.org.br/programacao/exposicoes/lentes-da-memoria/

 After the exhibition we made a short visit to SESC Pinheiros which offers cultural activities in the city.  http://www.sescsp.org.br/unidades/10_PINHEIROS/#/content=programacao

 Back to the tube stations where our adventures started.

 Special thanks to teacher Vânia Nunes Barrada who helped us with the pictures!

Visit also. It is a great site, hope you like it https://www.artsy.net/artist/frida-kahlo


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