It was such amazing work that it was selected to participate in Taiwan Adobe Youth Festival to be held next July 19. Taiwan (see the map) is very close to China and very distant from Brazil.

Thanks to our students great ideas, mediated by technology and English language, people from Taiwan and other countries will have opportunity to get in touch with our message.
Here you have the email sent by Almerinda Garibaldi from Educadores Globais - iEARN Brasil telling us that our school was selected to participate:
Mensagem original
De: Almerinda Garibaldi < almerbg@gmail.com >
Para: ayv-brazil < ayv-brazil@googlegroups.com >
Assunto: Anunciando filme selecionado para a Mostra AYV em Taiwan
Enviada: 21/06/2011 23:17
Cara Rose e todos,
Vejam na mensagem abaixo o resultado da seleção dos filmes para apresentação na Mostra de Taiwan. O vídeo "Bullying" dos alunos da profa. Rose foi selecionado. Nossos parabéns à Rose e alunos!
Nossos cumprimentos ao Rodrigo e Rafael que estiveram à frente dessa produção.
*NOTA: Almerinda provavelmente refere-se ao aluno Rodrigo da Prof. Amélia cujo trabalho também foi escolhido. Ambos os filmes podem ser assistidos neste site.
Hi all,
Exciting news! The final selection has been made of media to be screened at the 2011 iEARN Adobe Youth Voices Media Festival, to be held Tuesday, July 19th at the iEARN International Conference and Youth Summit in Taiwan.
As soon as possible, we need to collect high quality versions of all the media selected to be shown at the festival.
Please help by reviewing the list below, and if you find AYV teams listed from your country, please contact the educators and artists who created the media to assist in gathering and submitting a high quality version of their work in time for the festival.
Adobe will create a compilation DVD prior to the conference, so we must receive all festival videos no later than July 4th for them to be shown at the festival. The versions that were posted on the AYV Online Site are what selection was based on, but they are not high enough quality versions to be shown at the festival.
Please submit to me at <ljobson@us.iearn.org> a high quality, festival-ready copy of selected media using either http://www.yousendit.com or http://www.dropbox.com. Once you (or the educator) has submitted it, please send me an email confirming that I've received it.
Feel free to be in touch if you have questions. We look forward to this wonderful festival of global youth media! Please note that there will be LOTS more ways to celebrate all the youth media created in this AYV program year, and we will continue to work with all the educators and artists to showcase their work in other venues. We'll also be hosting AYV workshops at the conference, and will show more of the media there too.
PS -- To see some tips about saving high quality versions of the media, see Step 5 on: http://iearnayv.wordpress.com/submitting-adobe-youth-voices-media-in-iearn/
Discrimination [3:09]
Teacher/Artist/Site: Amal Malalla
Easy Steps to Follow [1:51]
Teacher/Artist/Site: Elena, Shcuchin State Gymnasium
Say Stop [1:39]
Teacher/Artist/Site: Oleg Shchutsky
Bullying [2:43]
Teacher/Artist/Site: Rose Gimenes, Educadores Globais Brasil
There is a dead bunny at the lamp post [1:51]
Teacher/Artist/Site: Camille da Cruz and Clara Oliveira, iEARN Brazil - Educadores Globais, felipejan
Silent Voices [1:54]
Teacher/Artist/Site: Mali Bickley
Study Like a Talent and Live Like an Innocent [2:40]
Teacher/Artist/Site: Zhen Miao
The Box [4:28]
Teacher/Artist/Site: Huang Hui
Tu Salud en Juego [5:39]
Teacher/Artist/Site: Liliana, Fernando de la Merced Robles, Communidad Real Local
What is your role? [2:51]
Teacher/Artist/Site: Salvador Morales
Teacher/Artist/Site: Educational center 1471
Teacher/Artist/Site: Warren Sparrow
Keep Safe at School [2:18]
Teacher/Artist/Site: Cheng Hung-Yen
Teacher/Artist/Site: Ladawan Heng
Gained Hope [5:00 version]
Teacher/Artist/Site: Ronald Kasendwa, Winnie Nansumba
iEARN-USA (International Education and Resource Network)
iEARN-USA - http://www.us.iearn.org
Follow us on Twitter @iearnusa
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