Thursday, 28 April 2016

Longan Fruit - Lichia

Happy Bear brought a jar full of brown seeds. In fact they are Longan Fruit, very similar to our Lichia. Kids eat the fruit, plant the seeds and use the shell to make beautiful school work.

Longan Fruit


Saturday, 23 April 2016

Travelling from Taiwan to São Paulo

Happy Bear travelled a long distance from Taiwan to São Paulo.

She lives in Tainan city in Taiwan.

Chinese Yo Yo is very popular among kids. It is also called Diablo.

Happy Bear is a typical Moon Bear from China, she is black and has a white moon across her chest.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Happy Bear!bWelcome to São Paulo!

We are very happy to tell you that our little friend from Taiwan has arrived safe and sound to São Paulo. Kids can't wait to have their turn to host her for a day!

Happy Bear is a cute little bear, a black bear moon, she is black with a white moon on her chest, a typical Asian Black Bear. As I am retired now, Teacher Domenico will be in charge of the project and he loved the idea.

 Today was the welcoming day for Happy Bear. Our 3rd graders are very excited with the project.



 We will learn a lot from Taiwan, our friends have sent us a Chinese Yo Yo and a diary full of stories and beautiful drawings.

They have also presented us with some seeds.

 Teacher Dario and Natan are having fun with the yo yo.