Friday, 25 September 2015

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Good Luck, Domenico!

That is the guy!

I am very happy to introduce my friend and now the current teacher  once I retired, Domenico Petta. I'm sure Dom and the kids will have lots of fun together! My best wishes for teacher Domenico and the kids!Of course we'll keep in touch!

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Finalmente! A Mostra Adobe Youth Voices 2015!

Dessa vez a festa dos curtas metragens do projeto Adobe Youth Voices acontecerá na cidade de Registro. 

O projeto que não tem fins lucrativos e integra a plataforma iEARN, tem ajudado jovens do mundo todo a compartilhar ideias relevantes em suas comunidades e expressar sua opinião a respeito dos problemas enfrentados pelo mundo moderno. Este ano participaremos com os trabalhos: 

Fashion - produzido pelas alunas Cecília Hazime, Gabrielle Nascimento e Sabrina Cavalcante do 5º ano A. O trabalho aborda o tema: Moda e, vai além da preocupação com a aparência, o grupo também se preocupa com o futuro do planeta.

Safety on the Net - produzido pelas alunas Isadora Tosi, Julia Oliveira e Maiara Silva também do 5º ano A. O trabalho sobre segurança na Internet propõe uma reflexão a respeito dos perigos que corremos quando não estamos atentos às armadilhas da rede.

Finalmente, o vídeo Memento, do nosso ex aluno Thiago Ribeiro, também autor de Sad Mermaids, System Crash, Clown (em parceria com nossa ex aluna Juliana Cristina) e Marionettes. 

Estamos organizando uma delegação para representar a escola nessa mostra. Entretanto, precisamos de permissão especial da Diretoria Regional de Educação e da Secretaria Municipal de Educação para que os alunos possam participar de um evento em outro município. Vamos torcer!

Friday, 18 September 2015

Teddy Bear Project Brazil & USA

Wherever they go the “teddies” bring peace, friendship, tolerance, respect for cultural diversity and lots of fun! We believe that kids who have experienced this exchange will be more concerned about other people’s needs and the importance of peace promotion among humankind. Just check this blog!

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Greetings from Taiwan!

It was great to talk to Taiwan students and teachers Sam Chi Chen Wu and Peggy Chen. Kids asked me questions about Brazil, they sang lovely songs and also tried to teach me how to count from 1 to 10 in Mandarin. I am sure our Dilma Pinheiro is having a wonderful time among such great kids.

In the occasion of our Skype Session I was not at school, but at the hospital where I have been since my father was taken ill and our conversation took place at the hospital Chapel. Even tough, it was amazing to talk to them. I hope we have other opportunities in the future.

 Kids took turns to make me questions about food, my favorite hobbies, football and music. I sang them the song Lá Vem o Pato, a kids song from Brazil,  and told them it is the story of a duck who disturbed people so much that he was cooked at the end. They also wanted to learn how to count from 01 to 10 in Portuguese.

The flag showing Christ the Redeemer , the posters, the pictures were really GREAT! AMAZING! I loved everything!

Lá Vem o Pato - Here Comes the Duck

Lá Vem o Pato - Here Comes the Duck presented at IATEFL conference in Harrogate 2014

Thanks Taiwan!


Saturday, 12 September 2015

Thank You!

Dear Parents, Friends and Students, 

This is the last time I address you as the teacher of your children. 31 years have passed and time has come to change and move towards other directions, new possibilities are coming and the only thing I would like to say to all families who have trusted my work, to my friends and teachers that have inspired me and most importantly, to all students who have helped me to become the teacher I am now is THANK YOU! If it was not for all disquiet my students brought me it wouldn't have been possible to search as I did, looking for answers to so many questions, in order to make my teaching meaningful and enjoyable to all of us. After so many adventures together, so many projects, stories , I wish you all the happiness in the world. For me the biggest reward to all hard work have always been my students motivation! I rejoice to see that they are learning! Yes! It was a great time! My gratitude!

Teacher Rose Gimenes

Caros Pais, Amigos e Alunos, 

Esta é a última vez que me dirijo a vocês como o professora de seus filhos. 31 anos se passaram e chegou a hora de mudar e avançar em outras direções, novas possibilidades estão vindo e a única coisa que eu gostaria de dizer a todas as famílias que confiaram em meu trabalho, aos meus amigos e professores que me inspiraram e mais importante , para todos os alunos que me ajudaram a tornar-me a professora que eu sou é OBRIGADO! Se não fosse por todas as inquietações que meus alunos me trouxeram, não teria sido possível pesquisar como eu fiz, procurando respostas para tantas perguntas, a fim de fazer minhas aulas significativas e agradáveis para todos nós. Depois de tantas aventuras juntos,  muitos projetos, histórias, desejos-lhe toda a felicidade do mundo. Para mim a maior recompensa à tanto trabalho tem sido a motivação dos meus alunos! Fico muito feliz em vê-los aprendendo. Sim! Foi muito bom! 
A minha gratidão!
Teacher Rose Gimenes

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Latest News on Teddies!

 Neymar Pink is enjoying life and the company of his new friends in Australia where teacher Joan Price's students are taking care of him. Visit their blog on 

 FOFO has just arrived from Australia with a diary full of pictures and adventures of his staying with teacher Ross Mackenzie's students.

Teacher Joan Price from Australia has just informed us that our friend Echidna is a boy and his name is EDDIE!

Mighel, our baby jaguar,  has just returned from the States with his diary full for entries about his adventures with Teacher Heidi Ganser's students! Welcome back Miguel!

Sunday, 6 September 2015

The Rabbit and the Jaguar - video.

After have enjoyed the story, making drawings and painting masks, kids decided to play and have more fun with it. I adapted the original from and kids performed during our English lessons. The result can be seen in the video bellow.

Special thanks to David Heathfield for telling us this story and to Teacher Vera Cabrera Duarte for everything that the living drama project has done for our English lessons. Visit also