Wednesday, 18 March 2020

A few words on Coronavirus

Coronavirus is here to remind us of a few things:

- no matter if you have billions in your bank account, you're as vulnerable as everybody else and in case you die, congratulations for being greedy, you will have spent your life to make the bank happy;

- it is more than time all countries had a universal health system that cooperated with each other;

- health is not a commodity for the comfort of a few, but should be granted to all and sustained by the government;

- if a single person is vulnerable, everybody is at risk, remember that the pandemy started with a single case 110 days ago;

-  if people did not have to work crazily to satisfy the over growing demands of an insane capitalism our security would not have been neglected this far;

- things didn't get even worse thanks to professionals who are working in the front line at risk of their own lives to ensure that we will be safe;

- my gratitude to researchers ,doctors, nurses, all health professionals and also, all people who simply cannot stop working even in the worst times;

- self quarantine is the best you can do for yourself and the others, but, if you really really have to go out, practice social distancing and keep safe.