Wednesday, 28 August 2019


Baring in mind that our choices can impact positively or negatively the environment and influence the future of the planet, it wouldn't be different with food choices. I do believe education to be the key point if we want to see any change in this situation. Amazonia was set on fire in the name of the greed of a few people who do not mind destroying the life of an entire country since they can make money out of such disgrace by devastating the forest for the catle and plant pasture. I invite you to join me in this simple project. The idea is to stimulate students to make food choices that promote agroecology and healthy eating habits. All they have to do is to post a picture of their food with the hashtag #NoAmazoniaOnMyPlate #Isupportagroecology #NoPesticidesOnMyPlate #NoAgrobusinessOnMyPlate and others you can create. I would love to share the pics on this blog and also your report, your YouTube video, your school page. Find me in Facebook, Instagram and iEARN community. If you feel in the mood and kids enjoy, what about sharing a few recipes?  It's up to you. Hope to see you along.
If you want to learn more about agroecology I do recommend

Wednesday, 21 August 2019


One of 20 finalist videos for the Nature-based solutions for food and human health category. Share your favourite video with your family, friends and contacts. The Global Youth Video Competition is part of tvebiomovies 2019 and shares inspiring stories of local action around the climate emergency, protecting biodiversity and land restoration. The finalist films will be showcased during the UN Secretary General's Climate Summit in New York in September 2019 and the overall winner for each category will attend the Climate conference in Chile in December 2019 as a youth reporter. The GYVC is co-organized by the GEF-UNDP Small Grants Programme, and the secretariats of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the UN Convention to Combat Desertification and the Convention on Biological Diversity. We are grateful to Fondation BNP Paribas for their support. Find out more about the CBD