The happy people in the picture are Lílian, Pâmela and Teacher Rose Gimenes. We were presenting the work we developed during the year together with the schools EMEF Malba Tahan (oriented by Teacher Wilma Aurélio) and EE Prof. Wolny de Carvalho Ramos (oriented by Teacher Roberta Lopes).
During the presentation we talked to teachers from other parts of the city and showed our site www.brazilianfriends.multiply.com, then we were invited for a delicious cultural presentation offered by Teachers Neto and Márcio's students. After that, Cultura Inglesa delighted us all with musical presentation.
Students interacted with each other and made many friends. I´d like to thank the British Council, Cultura Inglesa and PUC for the opportunity and specially Teacher Celani who idealised and made everything possible.
See also www.malbatahan.multiply.com , http://antoniocarlosnamidia.blogspot.com and www.lopesroberta.multiply.com